Welcome 2o1o! According to Lillian Too, a very well-known feng shui master Year of Tiger will not be a good year for Dragon but if we have the positive attitude and look at things at the bright side it may not be a bad year after all. Ah well... good or bad, will take all these to stride.
2009 is really an eventful year for me! In fact, from 2006 onwards, every year is an eventful one, hehehe. One person ever told me that we should always look back at what we have achieved and if what we have achieved is what we wanted. I agree to what he said. Let's see, what have I achieved in 2009:
1. Zach turns 1 month on 5th Jan 2009
2. Changed job in Oct 2009
3. Weaned Zach off breastfeeding in Nov 2009
4. Zach turns 1 year old on 5th Dec 2009
5. Yong Teck & myself held our customary at Goodwood Park Hotel on 26th Dec 2009
My 2010 Resolution:
1. Holiday at least once every quarter. That will be about 4 holidays per year. Going back to KL monthly don't count!
2. Lose some weight. If losing weight can't be achieved, at least get rid of the bye bye arm!
3. More bags and shoes? Bags difficult to justify but shoes is still possible cos I've thrown away quite a number of pairs due to 'wear & tear'
4. Keep Zach strong and healthy.. hope he will overcome his allergy fully and then mummy can save some $$ by not buying the super expensive goat's milk.
5. Own a private property at least. Looking at the property market, it will be a blessing if I can afford the downpayment even but it is still achievable if I stop spending unnecessary.
6. Work harder to earn $$$ and hopefully I will get a decent bonus in 2011!! Work resolution: Must implement 2 project in 2010..
7. Must own new gadgets, i.e. iPhone 3GS, laptop and a new camera! (sponsors are welcome!)
Welcome 2010!!! Let's all HUAT!