Home Sweet Home

Been a long time since I last posted on my own blog.. We made a trip back to Klang over the weekend that past and this time hubby manage to go back with us since he has finished his exam. No more excuses next time..heee

This trip was all about rest and relax. We had a great time taking afternoon nap, shopping at nearby mall and eating and playing rami. Woohoo..I did not lose as much as last time but still lose. Muahaha

Happy Family with the ever cheeky monster

Yummilicious champagne spare ribs

'Kam heong' crab

Chilli crab

We bought live crab on our own, my mom clean them up and we brought it to the restaurant for them to cook for us - only in Malaysia you can do that..

Looking forward to 5th Dec when it will be our Guo Da Li and Zach's first birthday celebration. Can't wait to see his cake..


Boredom is killing me...

I started with a new job early Oct, which means I am 5 weeks into it. I should be happy with this new job considering there is a pay increase and the workload is lesser than my previous 2 jobs. Why am I not?

Put it simply, the past 2 jobs that I was in, I have alot to do for one person. Easily handling 2-3 persons workload for a single pay but I am happy!! I cannot have a single minute idling.. call it crazy but that's me. Before venturing into end user environment, I was with vendor and working till 2am most of the time but I don't' mind it.. it motivates me alot. I am happier, jumping at each opportunity to start a project.

Different is to be said about my current situation. There is work-life balance. I don't need to answer calls on weekends. No emails to check, nothing to rush.. Arrggh.. I must get used to it..else it will not be long before I leave. Crazy!

New Look

My new iPhone spring board..

M&M theme

Nice.. I love it to bits!